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About me

Having retired from full-time employment during the Pandemic, I devoted my time to teaching myself to build a website. I intended to publish my writing, something I have wanted to do all my life. Availing myself of YouTube videos generously shared by experts in the field, in particular Tyler Moore, I designed and published my first website, rukibartholomeusz.com and started writing blog posts.

I aimed to share my experiences as a student of A Course in Miracles, as well as reminiscences and commentaries on current events, and subjects that interested me or where I felt I had something to impart to others. Eventually, I started to feel that I was conflicted between writing about the Course and writing about other topics. Hence the decision to have a separate website/blog dedicated purely to writing about the Course.


A Course in Miracles

As a student of A Course in Miracles (the Course) I want to share its message by sharing my experience of studying and applying the teachings of the Course over the past few years. My blog posts are aimed at giving readers a glimpse into my personal experiences as a Course student and hopefully enough insight into what the Course journey entails, to either be drawn to look into it as a possible path for themselves or, if the reader is already a student, to hopefully reassure them about staying the course or help them see how a Course concept or teaching can be applied successfully in their lives.

My earlier reflections on this topic can be found at rukibartholomeusz.com

My Course journey began with the Complete and Annotated Edition of A Course in Miracles which was published by the Circle of Atonement in 2017. This new edition was based on Helen Schuchman’s original notes and includes material that had been edited out when the Course was originally published. 

Please explore the Circle’s website to see all the resources and information on offer to students.  https://circleofa.org/

Among the many tools offered by the Circle of Atonement to students, is an app that contains the entire Course and is free to everyone.  You can access the app here:  https://news.acimce.app/