I am as God created me

I am as God created me. This lesson is so important that it is repeated three times (Lessons 94, 110 and 162) in the Workbook). What does it mean to me, as a student of A Course in Miracles of more than seven years? It means that I haven’t changed anything about the me that God created. It means that I am not this body, as God did not create bodies. He created minds, and everyone I know, everyone I have ever known, everyone currently alive, who ever lived and will ever live, is part of the single mind that is Christ. We are all one mind, believing we are separate bodies and identities, vying with each other for a piece of the pie.

I am as God created me means that nothing I have done or will ever do or that has done to me, will ever change the essence of who I am. I have made mistakes, I have intentionally lied, cheated at times, manipulated people and situations to get what I want, all things that human beings feel they need to do to get by or get ahead. But who I am is a pure sinless Son of God, a radiant beam of light that can never be extinguished, that can never be apart from God, is always a part of God.

From the time I was a child I had glimpses of this divinity; I understood that love was the key to everything. I wondered whether I was mistaken and this broken earth and its broken people and bitter wars were all that was real. But now I know for sure: I am as God created me.

I am as God created me. I am His Son eternally.

This is the Self Which never sinned, nor made an image to replace reality. This is the Self Which never left Its home in God, to walk the world uncertainly. This is the Self Which knows no fear, nor could conceive of loss or suffering or death.

[CE W-94.3:3-8]

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